WhatsApp Gold is going to steal all your mobile data

A number of WhatsApp users have reported receiving messages in which they are urged to sign up for the service through the WhatApp Gold website. This is something users are being tricked into for downloading an apparently exclusive version of the app. but in reality, this version of WhatsApp infects mobiles with malware.

This has been going on since 2016 when users have been receiving such messages. They are invited to upgrade to WhatsApp Gold which offers a range of extra features that include video chats, the ability to send over 100 photographs at once, and the ability to delete the messages that have already been sent.

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However, it has been seen that once the users click on the link, it is directed to a malicious website and then they are instructed to download a piece of software that is malicious.

From here, the software infects the device and gives the ability to cyber criminals to steal sensitive information along with tracking the movements or the device activity. It has been observed that mainly Android users have been affected by these kinds of fraudulent messages.

Another common tactic that is used in chainmail campaigns is where it has been claimed from WhatsApp that it will charge a fee or deactivate the account and take advantage of the user’s fear and lack of knowledge of cybersecurity.

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But users should be aware that warnings like these are scams and can easily be understood with poorly written messages. More often than not, these messages are designed to irritate the smartphone users. They should not be forwarded and should be immediately deleted. You should only download the apps that come with the Google Play Store or the App Store and if you are in doubt about the app, avoid installing it.

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