Learning with Earning Get’s Easier For Freelancers


Learning with Earning is one effective way of making a good career. If this happens online, the chances of exponential growth are phenomenal. Freelancers are always looking to collaborate to get the jobs done on the marketplace but so far there’s no such facility rolled out. Well, there’s good news.

WorkChest is a Freelance marketplace with built-in social media collaboration for freelancers. People from different cultures can collaborate and learn from one another. The portal also allows freelancers to find freelance projects related to different skill sets such as web designing, development, and many more

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The portal works in 3 ways

  • Clients can post projects
  • Freelancers can post their services
  • Social media learning (freelancers learn from one another)


Every day clients post projects on Workchest and freelancers bid on the projects. Initially the clients are from Pakistan but the company plans to expand its services to the world in the near future.

The collaboration system is interesting. Freelancers post in their questions, work and this gives them a chance to get in touch with one another. They can comment on each other posts, send friend requests and collaborate.

workchest social media learning

Overall, it is an amazing portal to collaborate with other freelancers, learn and also earn by selling services as a freelancer.


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