Spotify’s New Feature: Enjoy Your Offline Mix Anytime, Anywhere!

Spotify's New Feature: Enjoy Your Offline Mix Anytime, Anywhere!

Spotify is now testing a new feature that enables users to keep listening to their playlists even with a spotty internet connection.

For those times when you’re in the zone but encountering connectivity issues, the “Offline Mix” feature seeks to offer a selection of previously played music.

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Spotify new feature

By keeping track of the music you listen to the most, the “Offline Mix” will dynamically curate its playlist. On days when your connection is spotty, it will automatically add these frequently played songs to the mix to make sure you have a flawless listening experience. This function can accommodate prolonged periods of poor connectivity by storing a playlist that lasts for several hours.

Although Spotify hasn’t specified a particular launch date for this new feature, the CEO’s sharing of a screenshot of it on Twitter hints that the update will probably be released soon.

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