10 Programming Languages Worth Learning in 2024

10 Programming Languages Worth Learning in 2024

2024 promises significant advancements in tech, with AI, ML, Web3, and more evolving rapidly. Aspiring coders face the crucial decision of choosing a future-proof language for sustained income. Drawing on 8+ years as a Software Engineer, I’ve highlighted key programming languages for prospective Software Developers.

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Programming Languages

It appears that the potential earnings in the field are promising, and pursuing a career as a Software Engineer seems worthwhile for the next few years. It also makes sense to delve into AI/ML and Prompt Engineering in the coming months/years to stay abreast of the latest IT trends.

  1. esProc SPL

esProc SPL is an innovative programming language designed for advanced data computing. Noteworthy for its high efficiency in handling extensive datasets, it proves indispensable in today’s data-centric landscape.

    • Groundbreaking Language for Data Computing: Tailored for advanced data computing, esProc SPL excels in efficiently managing massive datasets.
    • High-Efficiency Solution: Offering superior performance, esProc SPL is ideal for data-intensive tasks in the current data-driven environment.
    • Versatile Data Processing: It functions as a data warehouse and computing middleware, catering to diverse data computing needs.
    • Grid-Style Coding and JVM-based: Distinguished by its unique grid-style coding for clarity and JVM-based architecture, setting it apart from other JVM languages such as Kotlin and Scala.
    • SQL-Style Computations Without Databases: Enables SQL-style computations directly on data, providing flexibility and power in data manipulation.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript remains a pivotal language within a comprehensive ecosystem. Learning it opens doors to creating Web Apps, PWA’s, Mobile Apps, Desktop Apps, Server-side code with Node.js, and static site generators like Next.js (with React as an addition to pure JavaScript). It’s a versatile language applicable to numerous job openings across platforms.

3. Python

Python is used in web development, data science, AI, and machine learning. Notable libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch advance AI and ML capabilities. Additionally, the Django web framework offers opportunities for Indie Hacking and micro SaaS product development.

4. Flutter (Dart)

Flutter, powered by the Dart programming language, gains increasing traction. It is an optimal choice for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a unified codebase. Flutter’s hot-reload feature enhances development speed, making it a versatile framework for developers seeking efficient cross-platform app development with a seamless user experience.

5. Go (Golang)

Developed by Google’s employees, Go is recognized for efficiency and scalability, making it ideal for cloud-based applications. It is a valuable language for those interested in Cloud Development and microservices. With its simplicity and concurrent programming support, Go streamlines the development of scalable and robust cloud solutions, positioning itself as a go-to choice for modern, distributed systems.

6. Rust

Rust is favored in the backend of many companies due to its performance, safety, and system-level programming. Its memory safety features without garbage collection contribute to its growing use in high-performance applications. As a language emphasizing both speed and security, Rust continues to gain prominence as a reliable choice for developing robust and efficient backend systems.

7. Kotlin

Interoperable with Java, Kotlin is increasingly utilized in Android app development. It is favored for building robust and effective mobile applications on the Android platform because of its concise syntax and enhanced features, which contribute to a smoother development experience.

8. Swift

Swift is an elective programming language for those intrigued by Apple environments. It is the language utilized by Apple for creating applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Quick is notable for its snappiness and contemporary linguistic structure, which makes advancement simpler and quicker while advancing the development of imaginative, high-performing applications inside the Apple environment.

9. C Sharp

Developed by Microsoft, C Sharp is integral for Windows-based software development with the .NET framework. It finds use in desktop applications, game development (Unity game engine), web development (ASP.NET), mobile apps (Xamarin), and cloud-based services.

10. PHP

Despite being a divisive language, PHP is regaining traction, especially with frameworks like Laravel.  The latest advancements and improvements in PHP, coupled with the versatility offered by frameworks, showcase its renewed relevance, making it a pragmatic choice for building dynamic and feature-rich web applications.


The JavaScript ecosystem, including TypeScript, Web3, and cloud development with tools like Supabase and AWS, is the focus of the author. This involves using Next.js SSR for SEO, Node.js for backend development, and React as the frontend framework. The aim is to become a Full-Stack Developer with a concentration on cloud-based development.

Best of luck on your journey to becoming a Software Engineer and finding a path that brings both joy and financial success!

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