Facebook’s new ‘Snooze’ button temporarily hides others in your feed

There are many friends and pages on Facebook who keep us reminding that we are living an extremely boring life. Friends keep on posting their vacation photos as their life is all about enjoying trips whereas the business pages give the impression that there is nothing more important in the world except to attend their launch events. Thanks to the social media platform that has announced a Snooze button for temporarily un-following friends, pages, or even groups for up to 30 days, 7 days, and even for 24 hours of the period.

Instead of permanently being cut off from people, pages, or groups, this button allows Facebook users to have a control over what they want to look at. The biggest advantage of this social media platform is that it gives the opportunity to its users to only get important updates from all such links. But with this new addition, it has become easier for contacts to maintain a connection without damaging it.

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In order to snooze a contact or a page, users just need to tap the dropdown arrow which is available in the top right section of a post. Just by tapping that button users will be provided with the option whether they want to snooze a contact for a day, a week, a month, or to permanently un-follow them. This shows that Facebook has been trying a lot to let users have the best News Feed experience.

The Snooze button is really helpful for avoiding a chatty person, group, or a page. This does not stop the social media from now showing the users their most important updates. This gives a lot more advantage for groups or pages as users will Snooze them instead of permanently leaving them. This Snooze button is surely going to give an indication to the platform whether users in getting the feeds from a particular contact or not.

The feature is rolling out to all accounts shortly. Do you see that in your account yet?

Via: Tech Crunch

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