Recently, WhatsApp is focusing on rolling out some features that should have been introduced long time back but it’s never too late. No one is sure if the app will ever get the Dark Mode but the latest beta shows most wanted (PIP) picture in picture mode for video, WABetaInfo reports.
The WhatsApp for Android beta version 2.19.177 has PIP, picture-in-picture mode for video received within chats and group chats to allow you to watch any videos within the chat without the media pausing. Just like on Facebook, you watch a video and even if you scroll down the timeline, video still plays on the top, same is going to happen with the WhatsApp media.
WhatsApp beta for Android 2.19.177: After 3 months, WhatsApp is finally rolling out the possibility to use PiP when you switch to another chat or when WhatsApp is in background!
Read the quoted article to discover how it works and details about the compatibility!
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) June 18, 2019