Writing a good cover letter is overwhelmingly nerve-wracking for some people. But it is the first opportunity for you to engage a prospective employer. It’s no less than bait that writers use to hook the readers and the first way to create an impression is a great cover letter.
The primary purpose of a cover letter along with your resume is to get to an interview. It serves to lead to those answers which are not apparent from the factual content of your resume. A rambling and poorly written cover letter can give recruiters a reason to dismiss your application.
A lot of attention is required while writing a cover letter. A great cover letter plays a huge role in your selection. You can never forget who your audience is and why are you writing a letter. The most effective cover letter must include two things
Know the company’s unique attributes:
What people don’t understand is that all companies are not identical. The preferences of each and every organization are different. Before writing a cover letter you need to learn what makes the company unique you intend to work with. Your task should be to gather as much information about the company as you can. It would be best if you could find someone already working for the company. You can get first-hand information through this source. But obviously, it’s not possible for everyone, so ask your university carrier services, friends, and family if they can provide you with any connections. But what if you need to write a cover letter and tomorrow is the deadline, then take help from the internet? In today’s world, there is no company without an online presence.
If still, you cannot find anything, use whatever small information you have and find attributes that excite you about the company. Make that attribute a unique quality of the company and include it in the first few sentences of your cover letter. This will give the impression that you have good knowledge about the place you want to work at and are passionate about it.
Identify the company’s challenges:
This is another important aspect for the applicant to focus on. Every company faces challenges from time to time. Any connection in the company can be a good source for knowing any challenges that the company might be facing. But in absence of being able to speak to someone, the best thing you can do is read. LinkedIn can be the best place to look up the makeup of a company you want to apply for.
If that company is facing hard competition, your creative ideas on how to market their product can make you valuable in the eyes of employers. If that company is disrupted due to rapid changes, your knowledge of technical tools can help them to come out of this situation. You can even cite examples of tackling and winning similar challenges when it comes to adding value to that company.
These two secrets can help you best to convince authorities that you are the right person to work for them. Â