The release for Samsung’s upcoming device is approaching as the company is expected to introduce it in August. The time since the company started building the device, rumors have been surfacing the market. There have been bundles of leaked images of the upcoming Galaxy Note 8. Recently some new images have been leaked that shows that shows a device much similar to the Galaxy S8+.
Also See:Â Galaxy Note 8 might beat the iPhone 7 Plus, here is why
The device has a lengthy frame and an infinity display that features an on-screen home button. In few of the images, the phone has been shown from various angles which show the opening that would be used to hold the device’s S-Pen.
The leaked images also confirm the dual camera setup that is going to be a part of the Galaxy Note 8 along with a rear-facing fingerprint scanner. The phone will also feature the dedicated Bixby button, a USB-C port, and a 3.5 mm audio jack.
The device is expected to be available for pre-order from August 25 and will be available in the market from September 15th. The company, however, has not confirmed any of these dates.
Along with all the hardware and software rumors of the device are being confirmed with the new leaked images, the Galaxy Note 8 is also expected to be available in eight color options. The shades for the new devices include Dark Blue, Pink, and Depp Sea blue, Coral Blue, Violet, Arctic Silver, Midnight Black, and Gold.
Via: The Next Web